I have to roll my eyes when I hear comments about children having to be spaced close together or else they won't play together, those people obviously haven't been to my house. Yes, my girls do fight, all children do but they play together a tremendous amount and are a spacing that most consider not close, 3 years and 10 months. Madeline being the oldest is always the ring leader, Gabrielle follows along but she has definite opinions about what should be done and makes sure those are heard.
Madeline is also old enough to think about things Gabrielle might need, she will take her to the bathroom or fix her a snack because Gabrielle said she was hungry. At the playground, she carries her up to the slide on parts that she can't climb up. All of this I don't ask her to do, she just does. Madeline gets a stamp on her hand after gymnastics classes, almost always she asks her coach to give one to Gabrielle so she won't feel left out. Gabrielle now stands by the door waiting for big sister to come and carry her into the gym. And I just realized that my time stamp is messed up on my camera so ignore the dates! , and you will notice that Gabrielle has a friend in every single picture.

1 comment:
That is so sweet! I agree - spacing "recommendations" are way overrated! Madeline sounds like an awesome older sister, and how much more will you appreciate that in a couple more months? :)
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