I hope anyway. We have had sleeping arrangement issues, no matter what we've tried, it doesn't seem to work. Madeline has her own room, she happily slept in it for 8+ months, that of course that ended when the anxiety started last summer. Since then we've had musical beds, Ryan was in her room then she was in his room, and back and forth. Currently she has been sleeping in his room and her room has been sitting empty.
The next issue is that Gabrielle is sleeping with me. It wouldn't be an issue if she didn't wake up at the slightest little thing, but she does and it is a nightmare. She is not interested in sleeping with Ryan, she will slightly tolerate him if I am right there and she has a death grip on my hand. She has a hand fetish and insists on holding it to sleep and anytime she wakes up. Ryan can snuggle with her at times and I can get up and pee in peace without dragging her with me in the middle of the night. I still have to put her to bed, and put her back to sleep when she wakes up. There is the problem of the other child who wants Daddy sleeping with her so for the last couple weeks Ryan has been sneaking upstairs sleeping with us and then sneaking back down around 5-6 before Madeline wakes up. Very fun. I finally convinced Madeline to try sleeping in her room tonight, hopefully she will keep doing it. The addition of the cat helped!
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