I'm just full of posts today! Gabrielle has decided to break out in hives the last few days, no idea what that is about, so all she wants to do is sit on my lap. I finally got around to taking another pic, I swear that my belly was bigger a few weeks ago, clothes are fitting differently so I'm thinking baby must be lower now. I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that if baby decides to come at 38 weeks like Madeline and Gabrielle did, that is only 4 weeks away! It seems much too close. No real complaints right now other then lack of sleep and I still can't stand to nurse Gabrielle. I let her a few times a day but I can't say I enjoy it, even just her snuggling up against my breasts drives me insane. And the weight gain is slightly annoying, 35 lbs as of early last week, which is almost double what I gained with Madeline.... I almost forgot my only real complaint, Braxton Hicks contractions. I have them constantly, I did with Gabrielle as well. I was up at 5am this morning because they were just one after another and I can't sleep through them. I'm spending a lot of my time sitting down with my feet up, which helps slightly.
We met with the midwife Rebecca last week again. I'm feeling more at peace with her being at the birth, and finally managed to order the birth kit that I had been holding off on. My EDD is around her busy time so there is always a chance she will be at another birth, I'm refusing her backup midwife in my area. Both her and I are fine with that, if Rebecca can't make it and I feel like I need someone then she has a woman that has been training under her that I do know and would be ok with. Rebecca is laid back enough that I could tell her to hang out in the general area or be outside if I felt like it and she would be fine with it, I'm hoping to talk Ryan into considering it. I did one prenatal with her when she came over, just blood pressure and listening to baby so she can have a record that I at least did one. Now I'll just stay in touch and call when I go into labor.
Madeline is getting really excited about the new baby, Gabrielle not so much. She demands that "baby out now!", but she doesn't have a clue what is in store for her. She has regressed in some areas, very clingy and whiny, only Mama will do but that is do be expected. As far as what baby is, I have no idea. I'm starting to think it's a girl, which given my track record, must mean it's a boy. I thought both Madeline and Gabrielle were boys so I obviously have no idea.
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