Gabrielle is taking a little dance class. She loves it. She begged to take a tap class like Madeline, but settled for any class!

Madeline is still taking her gymnastics but decided she wanted she take dance again. I signed her up for a ballet class, the first day she went, she insisted she was staying for the tap class right afterwards as well. She takes an hour and half straight of dance classes once a week. Her instructor suggested that she audition for the Nutcracker this weekend and she wants to! We'll give it a shot, I'm proud that she want to try but part of me doesn't want to commit to the schedule that they demand.
Julian isn't quite the little chunk like he used to be. He had a major growth spurt and lengthened out. I do miss the triple chin.
They are all getting so big! Caitlin would be so jealous - she's just desparate for a dance class, but we can't do it right now for several reasons. They look like they're enjoying themselves!
awww so much cuteness on one page! P loves her dance class and is so wanting to do tap. My lil ballerina dances all day long, I love it :) i need to get a mesh feeder, looks like J is really enjoying it!
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