Tuesday, August 4, 2009

10 minutes

Given ample computer time, all of these pictures would of been their own blog entry and story. Now days my time is very limited and I'm making do with with what I can do before someone needs me, I give it 10 minutes.

This is what happens when you let a 2 year old pick out paint colors for her room. The picture doesn't quite give it justice, this a very bright blue. Ryan was still planning on sleeping in there with her only for the past week, Gabrielle will not let me out of her sight so she has been upstairs in my room with me.

Madeline made this the other night on the back deck.

Julian is quite the squishy baby, I love his little fat rolls! He is rolling over now, which seemed to happen much too quickly.

This is the reason Ryan and I didn't go out last night for our 8 year anniversary. He didn't want to be seen with me! And no this isn't from another ER trip. Although did you know you can get port wine stains lightened for less money then 5 stitches cost? Something is wrong with that. I wasn't born with a birthmark but I had one large area appear when I was a teen, over the last few years, more have appeared and they are getting darker. I'm getting tired of covering them with makeup and they bother me without so I am getting them lightened. They use a laser to do it, it doesn't hurt, feels like a shock rather, but because I bruise quite easily, I look like this. I go back in 6 weeks to see how many more sessions I will need.

We have finally been able to go to our local creek hangout. Once the big snow melt is over, the creek in town is a perfect place for the children to splash around in. It isn't a beach, but it will have to do living in landlocked Colorado.

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