Monday, July 20, 2009

we found kids!

Neighborhood children that is. Finally. Ever since we have moved into this subdivision over 2 years ago, I have wanted local play mates for Madeline, it hasn't happened. Most of the houses on our street are owned by older couples, there are a few families sprinkled in, but they haven't been interested in getting together or the ages just aren't right. 

A little over a week ago I ended up with a 9 year old girl in my house that I had never met before. She was walking by, liked our toys, and asked to play. Getting her out of my house after several hours proved to be quite a feat! Last night she was ringing our doorbell at 8:30pm, this morning at 9:20am. I haven't minded, Madeline is thrilled to see her, and by association, another girl age 7 who lives two doors down is now playing over here as well. Her family has never been friendly to us, not even returning our waves when we walk by, so this was a welcome change.

I'm not an overprotective parent in my mind but I am not comfortable letting Madeline walk down the street and into someone's house who I have never met. One mom I never even talked to until today when I called to RSVP to a party, her daughter had brought the invite over. The other said nothing to me when she showed up on my doorstep this morning looking for her daughter, not even a "thanks for watching my kid while I left the house" which I didn't even know the mom wasn't home until all the girls walked down there to drop off the one girl. This might take some getting used to. 

The other girl in Madeline's class for school lives directly behind us through the open space in our subdivision so I'm imagining it won't be too long before those two are going back and forth between houses. Gabrielle is having a difficult time being excluded, all these children are the youngest in their family so they are not used to having younger sibs tagging along like all of Madeline's other friends are. Madeline is the youngest out of all these girls anyway, she has been keeping up well, I'm actually quite impressed. Maybe school won't be so hard after all. 

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