Julian is 6 weeks now. I've been thinking about how different my experience with him is then from last time with Gabrielle. Gabrielle was very ill by now, in the hospital, and O2 that we wouldn't get rid of for 6 months. I looks at Julian and it is hard to believe it is the same time frame. He is just so healthy with big fat cheeks. Gabrielle was wasting away when she was this age. I remember the day she turned 2 months old, I picked her up that morning and knew it was time to return to the hospital. She weighed exactly 8lbs, I could feel every bone in her spine, her skin just hung off her body. Julian is so round, I can't feel any bones on his body that is sure! It is sad to think about how different it could of been had Gabrielle not been exposed to pertussis.

Julian and Gabrielle at 6 weeks.

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