That is our house right now. I blame these 3.

Madeline is still not sleeping at night. We went into the pedi this week, she has never seen this severe of insomnia in a child at age 6. She is consulting with other docs for us. The other thing she could suggest was sending her to my mom's house for few nights because the only time in 6 weeks that Madeline has slept through the night was there. So we tried that this week, she slept through the night there one night, and was up the other two.
This little guy is one noisy boy! He wakes everyone up with his nursing, even asleep he makes all sorts of noises which then wakes up the other two children. So starting last night, Ryan moved back downstairs with both the girls. It didn't go as bad as we expected, Gabrielle was upset for one minute and then climbed in bed and went to sleep. We'll see how tonight goes since Madeline will be here then. Naptime is also interesting because I have to hold Gabrielle's hand while she goes to sleep. Only Julian wants to nurse, then he doesn't, then he squeaks and wakes her up. Yeah, everyone is quite grumpy here!
And this is the one picture I thought I'd never take of a child of mine! Julian has a binky and he loves it. It started out of sheer desperation. I've had two other carseat haters and I don't think I could survive a third, not with the amount of driving I have to do now days. Julian will happily ride ONLY with a binky, same goes for any sling or wrap, he has to have a binky before he will consider riding in it. He is also not a comfort nurser which is unfamiliar territory for me, he doesn't want the breast which is fine until I go to put him down and then once again he wants a binky. Sigh. Boys.
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