A big baby boy arrived this morning, about 9:57 am I'm guessing, no one was looking at the clock! I got the UC that I had wanted. Labor was 4.5 hours long, horrid back labor this time. I had called our midwife at 7 to let her know I was in labor, she was still 10 minutes away from a birth she had attended the evening before. I called back at about 9:45 just because Ryan was starting to get really upset that she wasn't there, I told her not to hurry because while my contractions were very intense, they weren't that close together most of the time. He came very quickly, contractions were irregular between 2-6 minutes apart, then all of a sudden I had three right on top of each other and I started pushing. I think I pushed 5 times to get him out. I knew as soon as the head started coming that he was larger then the girls. His shoulders were a little tricky, I had to change positions in the pool to be able to get them out. After the shoulder were free, his torso was so large that he didn't slide right out like the girls had, I had to continue to push him out.
The girls weren't able to watch him being born, they had been downstairs with my mom and Ryan. Ryan came up just to check to see if I needed anything and that is when it got really intense. I managed to tell him "baby coming soon", but he had no idea how soon and I couldn't speak to tell him to call for them. He called down for them right after the birth and they came up. And once again, I got no pictures of the birth.
He was very blue, but responsive so I just rubbed him. It did take quite a while for him to pink up but he is doing fine. His cord was very short so I wasn't able to nurse him right away because it wouldn't reach. Ryan called our midwife after a few minutes because he was freaking out by then. She was just a couple minutes away. When she got there I had her help me cut the cord as soon as it was done pulsating so that I could actually hold him in my arms, it really was that short. She listened to him, weighed him for me,I asked her to check his blood type because I am RH-, and then she left. He was 8lbs 12 ozs! A full two lbs heavier then my girls, newborn hats and some of our clothes do not even fit him. It was a great birth, I wouldn't be happier at how it turned out.
congratulations!!! welcome earthside little man!
WOO HOO!!!! Beautiful boy! Can't wait to hear his name.
That is AWESOME!! I am so happy I thought to come "check on you" tonight! Congratulations! He is beautiful! What a fun change for you four, with a little man in the house. LOVE his name! :) So happy you got the birth you wanted. :D
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