I have an addict, her name is Gabrielle. Her current vices are Frosty the Snowman (the old movie), anything with a train or Mickey Mouse on it, and computer games, especially Starfall.com. She screams "game me" at either me or Madeline until one of us gives in and plays with her on the computer. She can recognize several letters, and can practically recite the entire Starfall site in toddler speak. I did make Frosty die a very sudden death this weekend, I'm not feeling too bad about the TV and 2 year old. Well, I didn't get her started on it, my mom did when we were in Denver and I was away with Madeline at her appointments. That movie did get us the whole way back from Denver on crappy roads with Gabrielle only talking to yell to turn Frosty back on again.
Tonight though, I realized that Gabrielle is learning Madeline's anxiety and fears. Madeline has a fear of bugs in the bath water, we've never had one in there but it's something she is very concerned about and spends half the bath jumping out yelling because she thinks she sees something in the water. Gabrielle who LOVES bathes and will spend hours in splashing around now is refusing to get into the water because she thinks there is a bee in there. She has learned the water is something to be afraid of and copies exactly what big sister is doing.
1 comment:
FABulous!! Caitlin's done that to Jack a couple of times, as well, with her random fears. :(
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