Last night and today have definitely been more interesting. Gabrielle moved her arm around too much yesterday and has paid the price for it. I managed to rig up a row of safety pins and a doll sling that I can get her to wear once in a while to keep her arm still. We've been trying to just keep her on the couch which presents it's own set of issues because she can't hold herself up so she falls over, and when I try to straighten her up she starts crying. So we finally found a use for the Scenera that we bought for a trip a couple summers ago and have never really used! I also had to send Ryan in today and get Tylenol with codeine, I'm hoping that will allow her to sleep tonight, last night was rather unpleasant. Gabrielle can't lay flat on the bed and can't move at all without crying so it was a very long night of having to roll her over while she screamed. I shipped Madeline off to my mom's house for a few days. She kept bouncing around the house and then Gabrielle would try and follow, but would bump her arm or fall down. She keeps asking that I make her boo boo better which is sad to hear but overall she has been in good spirits as long as we keep her well medicated. A collection of new Mickey Mouse DVD's hasn't hurt either....